A Project by Carlos Amorales


Carlos Amorales
Black Cloud (detail), 2007
Video, 19 minutes
Sound Design: Julian Lede
Courtesy of the Artist and
Yvon Lambert, Paris, New York


Opening in Miami on Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at The Moore Space, FACES, a project by Carlos Amorales is a m ixed media installation including sculpture, video and sound by this Mexican artist. From 2003 until the present Carlos Amorales has created a series of works exploring the subject of animation in film and the role of fantasy in contemporary society.

His most recent body of work juxtaposes signs and symbols related to literary horror stories or to classic horror films that remind us of aspects from contemporary history. The chapter that closes these series of animated films is FACES, an animation made with cut out paper that is perhaps the most abstract and the one less narrative.


Exhibition dates:
December 6, 2007 - March 8, 2008