Artists: Kai Althoff and Stephen Abry/Cory Arcangel and Frankie Martin/Atelier Van Lieshout/Bjorn Copeland/Christian Jankowski/ Ryan Johnson/Mike Kelley/Gean Moreno/Sarah Morris/Cristina Lei Rodriguez/Rirkrit Tiravanija/Anton Vidokle

Exhibition Dates: September 9-November 1, 2004

THE PATTERN PLAYBACK is a group show that uses as a starting point this 1940’s machine by the same name. It was invented by Dr. Franklin S. Cooper and his associates at Haskins Laboratory in Pittsburg, PA, to study the relationship between pattern and sound. In the 1960s, this simple object was instrumental in early studies on acoustics. Roughly during the same time, artist John Cage experimented with sound as an art form. He influenced a whole generation of artists with his concepts of chance and multi-disciplinary works which included musicians, painters, dancers and actors. Furthermore, he included the viewer’s participation in these collaborative works, as their actions and reactions became part of the whole.

This exhibition draws a reference to the Pattern Playback machine to objectify some artists’ interest in pattern, rhythm and sound, and how these can inter-relate in their works. This exhibition also takes note of the rhythm established by human interaction and participation. Bjorn Copeland’s piano-like instrument, Sarah Morris’s cityscape videos and Christian Jankowski’s interactive karaoke installation, all use sound to create pattern and rhythm. Inversely, Atelier Van Lieshout’s helmets, Mike Kelley’s bell painting and Kai Althoff/Stephan Abry’s photograph of dancers may perhaps recall John Cage’s work 4’33’’ in suggesting sound by invoking silence. Other works in the exhibition use pattern to create rhythm such as Cristina Rodriguez’s sculptures of excess and decay; Anton Vidolke’s video of painted exterior patterns and Gene Moreno’s mixed-media paintings. Similarly, Cory Arcangel’s psychedelic dance video and Ryan Johnson’s faceted figure in movement both suggest a pattern through repetition. Rirkrit Tiravanija’s tent/roller skating video installation and his chrome-plated soccer balls suggest the rhythm of human participation through inanimate objects. These works, like others in the exhibition play on symmetry and asymmetry alike; but most obviously, they activate social space by making these relationships.

Silvia Karman Cubina, Curator

This exhibition is generously sponsored by Craig Robins, Rosa and Carlos de la Cruz and Miami-Dade County Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, Cultural Affairs Council and The Miami-Dade Mayor, Board of County Commissioners

The Moore Space is open on Fridays 10 am – 2 pm and Saturdays 10 am –5 pm, and by appointment, 305-438-1163. For further information and images, please visit, or contact Silvia Karman Cubina at 305.438.1163 and
