Jim Drain/ Ara Peterson Selected Exhibitions/ Group Exhibitions

Domestic Porn, (as Forcefield), curated by Monika Szczukowska, Foksal Gallery Foundatiion. Warsaw, Poland
Bizarre Love Triangle, Mattress Factory, installation with Eamon Brown. Pittsburgh, PA.

It Happened Tomarrow, Biennale D’arte contemporian De Lyon. Untitled installation with Eamon Brown. Lyon, France.
Window Installation, H.P.France:Bjoux. Tokyo Station, Japan
Regarding Amy, Green Naftali Gallery , Kaleidoscope installation. NY, NY

Group Show, (as Forcefield), Rhona Hoffman Gallery. Chicago
Flashpapers, (as Forcefield), Daniel Reich Gallery. NY, NY
Third Annual Roggabogga, (as Forcefield), Whitney Museum of American Art. NY, NY

Forcefield, Parlour Projects. Brooklyn, NY

Group Show, (as Forcefield), Curated By Jim Drain, Welsh-Beck Gallery. LA, CA

Jim Drain/ Ara Peterson Selected Events

Optimo: Manifestations of Optimism in Contemporary Art, (as Forcefield),
Marfa Ballroom, Marfa Texas. 2004
Prospectif Cinema, (as Forcefield), Pompodou Center. Paris, France

NUEVA Video festival, (as Forcefield). Tokyo, Japan. Nov. 2003
New Tech Lo-Fi and a Synthetic Video Revival, (as Forcefield), Ocularis. Brooklyn, NY
Totem Tour 03 Cross Country Media Blitz. (as Forcefield)
New York Underground Film Festival,
“Psyche-out 2k3.” and “Magnetic Fields Forever”, (as Forcefield),
Anthology Film Archive. NY,NY

High Dessert Test Site, (as Forcefield), A-Z West. Joshua Tree, California
“ZMTRX” Video Performance, (as Forcefield), Bard College, Annondale on the Hudson, NY.
Andrew Kreps Gallery/ Daniel Reich Gallery, (as Forcefield), NY, NY
Picture Start Film Series, (as Forcefield), Castle Cinema. Providence, RI

Honada, Maki. “Anytime Psychedelic”
Studio Voice. 9 Vol. 333. September 2003. p.13
BT Magazine, Japan. Vol. 55 No. 838 2003. p.10-11
“The Rainbow Men Have Come to the Marunouchi Bldg.”
Smith, Roberta. “A Grand Finale of Group Show Fireworks”
The New York Times. July 18, 2003, B29, Weekend Fine Arts and Leisure, Page 31
Schwendener, Martha. “Regarding Amy”
Art Forum, Online Magazine, Critics’ Picks
Yablonsy, Linda. “Regarding Amy”
Time Out. July 10-17, 2003 issue No. 406
Cotter, Holland. “Doing Their Own Thing, Making Art Together,”
The New York Times. January 19, 2003, Section 2 (Arts and Leisure), Pp 1, 36.
BT Magazine, Japan. Vol. 55 No.829 2003 p 39 p46-47 Forcefield and Danial Reich
Cotter, Holland “Forcefield” The New York Times Fri. Nov. 22, 2002 Review of Flashpapers show at Daniel Reich Gallery E33
LaFreniere, Steve. “Opening: Forcefield,” Artforum. November 2002, Pp 176,177 (and cover box score)
Bharoocha, Hisham. “GorgonRadeo/ Forcefield,” V Magazine. September/October 2002, p 70.
Forcefield, Art Forum “Top Ten,” Artforum, Summer, 2002. page 83.
Stern, Jared Paul ,” FORGET MATISSE-NOW IT’S ALL ABOUT PATOOTIE ” New York Post, Front Page. March 7, 2002
Rinder, Lawrence. “Forcefield,” Whitney Biennial 2002 catalogue, P. 80.
Maffeo, Lois. “Fort Thunder,” Nest Magazine (Spring 2001), Pp.134-55.

Ara Peterson

Born in Boston, MA, 1973
Lives in Providence, RI
Education: B.F.A. in Film/Video/Animation, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, 1997

Ara Peterson Selected Group Exhibitions
Video Screening Program, Curated by Rene Morales, Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence, RI.
Color Wheel Oblivion, Curated by Chris Perez, Marella Arte Contemporanea Marella Art, Milan, Italy
The Transparent Eyeball, Curated by Duncan Hamilton, Liverpool Biennale. Liverpool, England
Curious Crystals of Unusual Purity, Curated by Steve Lafreniere and Bob Nickas, PS1. Long Island City, NY
Collection, (or how I spent my year), Curated by Bob Nickas, PS1. Long Island City, NY
Tedious Limbs Exhibit, Curated by Devin Flynn, Flynn Farm. LA, CA

Group Show, Andrew Kreps Gallery. NY, NY
Piled High, Hanna hp grp. Tokyo, Japan
Karaoki Death Machine, Daniel Reich Gallery. NY, NY
Body of Work, Gallery Agniel. Providence, RI
Paper Rodeo Group Show, Space 1026.Philadelphia, PA

The Kids are Alright, Curated by Joe Bradley, ATM Gallery. NY, NY

Ara Peterson Selected Events
Cinema Series II, presented by Artprojx, Prince Charles Cinema, London, England
Black Dice Light Show, Volume. Brooklyn, NY.
Video Whoopie Cushion (film/ video screening), Harvard University. Cambridge, MA
Fear and Anger (film/ video screening), AS220. Providence, RI

NUEVA video festival. Tokyo, Japan
New Tech Lo-Fi and a Synthetic Video Revival, Ocularis. Brooklyn, NY
Filmstock, Curated By Carlo McCormick, Adidas Store Soho. NY, NY
“UV” audio/ video performance, Andrew Kreps Gallery. NY, NY
“UV” audio/ video performanc, Bard College. Annondale on the Hudson, NY
Plate Techtonics Light Show, Monahassett Mill. Providence, RI

”Zombie Vision” Light Show, Brown University. Providence, RI
“Photation” film performance, Movies With Live Soundtracks, Providence, RI.

Annecy International Animated Film Festival. Annecy, France
Ann Arbor Film Festival. Ann Arbor, Michigan

Robert Nickas. “GOREFEST 2004” Vice Magazine p.46 Volume 11 Number 1 .2004

Jim Drain

Born in Cleveland, OH, 1975
Lives in Providence, RI
Education: B.F.A. in Sculpture, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI 1998

Jim Drain Solo Exhibitions

Theskywasfilledwith1000starswhilethesunkissedthemountiansblueand11moonsplayedacrosstherainbows, peres-projects, Los Angeles
Eldorado (1 of 5), Drantmann Gallery, Curated by Anne Pontegnie,Brussels, Belgium.

Jim Drain Selected Group Exhibitions
Curious Crystals of Unusual Purity, Curated by Steve Lafreniere and Bob Nickas, P.S.1., Long Island City, NY.
Feels Heavy, Floristree Space, Curated by Lexi Mountain-Lake, Baltimore, Maryland.
Infinite Fill, Foxy Productions, Curated by Cory Archangel and Jaime Archangel, NY, NY.
Golden Limo Tour, Traveling Group Show Curated by Frankie Martin, USA.
Collection (or how I spent my year), Curated By Bob Nickas, P.S.1., Long Island City, NY.
Tedious Limbs Exhibit, Curated by Devin Flynn, Flynn Farm. LA, CA

The Kids are Allright, Curated by Joe Bradley, ATM Gallery, NY, NY.


Spurgeon, Tom, “Fort Thunder Forever”, Comics Journal Issue No. 256 November
